2016 Child Fitness Tax Credit Receipts now available on-line

Currently registered RPFSC members can now download their 2016 Fitness Tax Credit Receipt for their tax returns via Uplifter, our on-line registration system.

How to download your receipt(s):

  1. Click here to log in to Uplifter, our Online Registration System.
  2. Click on “My Account”
  3. Click on the Receipt icon in the left hand column to view your family’s list of receipts
  4. Click on the one you wish to view
  5. Click on the Printer icon in the upper right hand corner to print

If you were a member RPFSC between January to June 2016, please email [email protected] to request a copy of your fitness tax credit receipt.

If you have any questions on your fitness tax credit receipt, please email [email protected]

Child Fitness Tax Credit Receipts for 2016

Receipts will be available beginning February 21, 2017.

We will be providing instructions on how to pick up your paper receipt and/or access your receipt online when receipts are available.

Seeking Nominations for 2017 Skate Canada Achievement Awards

Each year, Skate Canada’s BC/YK Section seeks nominations for Achievement Awards to recognize outstanding skaters, program assistants, coaches, volunteers and officials throughout the BC/YK section.  There are 17 award categories that are open for nominations.

A list of Award Categories and criteria can be found at www.skatinginbc.com/awards

Is there someone from RPFSC that you feel is an outstanding skater, program assistant, coach or volunteer that you would like to nominate?

If so, please contact one of our Board Members and do it quickly!  The deadline for nominations is February 15.

Update on RPFSC Board of Directors

We would like to update you on a change in our Club’s Board of Directors.

In November, one of one our Board members, Marnie Candido resigned.  Marnie has been an active member of our Board of Directors for the past five years. Her service with the Board has included photographing of our skaters, coordinating the ordering of Competition Jackets and working on the Carnival Costume Committee. Although she is no longer on the Board, Marnie will continue to be a parent volunteer with our club. We would like to thank Marnie for her contributions to the Board.

To fill the vacated Board Member position, our Board has appointed E.J. Richard to fill the position until the next AGM (Fall 2017).  We are pleased to welcome E.J. to the Board and we look forward with working with her in the coming months.

Family Skate Update and Schedule

IMG_6774-91_Big_PrintOur Annual Family Skate is coming up!  This event consists of a Skating Display, followed by our Family Skate. All RPFSC members and their families including siblings are welcome to skate together, after the skills display. There will be skate rentals and helmets available from 10.30am – 12.30pm. Photography is allowed at this event.

The Skating Display will showcase skaters from our Starskate, Junior, Intermediate and Senior ice programs. Skaters from these levels were sent home with a handout to return indicating if they are available to take part or not.

For the Family Skate, in the interests of safety and depending on the numbers, we will have two 30-minute sessions. All non-RPFSC members must sign in before skating and also be required to wear  CSA Certified Hockey helmet. These requirements for non members are essential for insurance coverage.

The Schedule for our event is as follows:

  • 9:15 am and onwards – Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate
  • 9:30 – 10:45 am  – Skating Skills Display
  • 11:00 -11:30 am – Session 1: Family Skate
  • 11:30 – 11:45 am – Ice Clean
  • 11:45 am – 12:15 pm – Session 2: Family Skate
  • 12: 15 – 12:45 pm – Program Assistants Fun Time

ALL skating lessons will be cancelled for this day.

Door Prizes 

Donations for door prizes are welcome. If you donate a prize, we offer one (1) Volunteer Credit for a $20 value prize. Gift Cards are perfect prizes. Please email [email protected] if you will be able to donate a prize. Prizes need to be delivered to our registration desk anytime up to Thursday December 8th.


Thank you to those who have volunteered to assist on this day. We have enough Volunteers at this time. Volunteers will be receiving an email from Kylie closer to date of the event with more details.

Sadly, we will not be able to run our Potluck as we have in the past. Our growing numbers and the size of the venue no longer work to include this.

We look forward to seeing you at our event!

Limited Parking on Saturdays beginning November 5

The Nat Bailey Winter Market  begins Saturday, November 5th and runs until April 22rd, 2017 from 10am to 2pm in the parking lot and plaza of Nat Bailey Stadium and Hillcrest Centre. Parking will be VERY limited on these days. Please ensure you allow additional time to find parking so that you will not be late for lessons – especially for CanSkate lessons at noon!

Fall CanSkate Parent Meetings

To ensure that our Canskate families and skaters have a positive skating experience with us, we will be holding CanSkate Information Meetings this week for parents/guardians of our CanSkaters.

Our CanSkate Coordinator Carissa Wong will be reviewing safety and equipment, skater evaluation and answering any questions you may have about our program.

The meetings will take place in the lobby of the skating rink as scheduled:

Tuesday, September 27 at 4:00 pm
Thursday, September 29 at 4:00 pm
Saturday, October 1 at 12:15 pm

Please ensure that you will be attending a meeting this week.

Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

RPFSC Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Monday, October 3, 2016

2016-17 RPFSC members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on:

MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2016 at 6:30 PM


You are invited to come early for dinner at 6:00 pm. Our meeting will begin at 6:30 pm with the following agenda.

  1. Reading of Notice of Meeting and Report of Quorum
  2. Reading of the 2015 AGM Minutes
  3. Board of Directors’ Reports: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Community Liaison, Coach’s, Test Chair, Volunteer Coordinator and Promotions Coordinator
  4. Election of Officers
  5. Other Business

Elections of Officers and Call for Nominations
At this year’s AGM, we will be electing/re-electing four (4) Board of Director positions for two year terms. They are:

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Members-at-Large (2)

We encourage our members to strongly consider running for the Board. Joining the Board is great opportunity to meet other members, learn about the club’s operations and share your skills and knowledge to create a great experience for our skaters and their families.

The time commitment for a Board Member averages of 4 to 6 hours a month (which includes a monthly business meeting). Typically Board members work on event planning, volunteer coordination, promotions, communications and other areas as time and interest permits.

Nominations for the above listed positions are now open. You are able to nominate a club member for election or re-election to the above positions. Email your nominations to [email protected] prior to the AGM. We will also take nominations from the floor at the meeting.

If you would like more information about the Board, Board positions or other ways to be involved with the club, we invite you to connect with any of our current Board Members (listed below) or contact the current Club President, Cathy Chang at [email protected]

Volunteer Credits
We value your time. By attending our AGM, you will be able to log three (3) volunteer credits towards your total required 12 credits for the Fall & Winter Session.

As we will be serving dinner, we appreciate that you please RSVP by emailing [email protected] so that we are able to order appropriate quantities. 


Skate Swap Continues this week!

On Saturday, September 10, we held a Skate Swap to help families buy and sell used skates, (subject to approved by club coach).

We have decided to set up the Skate Swap again during and after Canskate and StarSkate sessions this week on:

  • Tuesday, September 13 from 3:45 pm until 5:30pm 
  • Saturday, September 17 from 11:00 am till 1 pm.

There are many girls figure skates in a variety of sizes on offer, as well as a few pairs of boys skates in excellent condition for those looking for next sizes up.  Also available for sale by our members are a few Zuca bags/frames and a handful of beautiful skating dresses and skirts in a variety of sizes.

If you have skates you would like to offer for sale, please see Karen Tsang at the Skate Swap on Tuesday to arrange for them to be approved by our coach. Because skating lessons are in session, skates may not appear on the table immediately upon our receiving them.

We will not be able to keep unsold skates with us from Tuesday until Saturday, as we do not have sufficient storage space so please be prepared to take all unsold items home and, if you can bring them Saturday, leave the sale envelope attached.

All items left unclaimed at 6:00 pm Tuesday and 1:15 pm Saturday will be either sold on consignment (proceeds to benefit the club) or donated if not accepted by consigner.

Volunteer Desk Duty Shifts to fill – starting September 12

Thank you to those that have signed up for Desk Duty shifts in the coming sessions. As you know, we have listed our desk duty shifts online for the whole fall/winter season.

There is a new duty that is ‘On call” person for our early morning skates. This is an easy shift that requires you to be at the rink in case of an emergency and to assist the Head Coach as required. For example, fire drill, evacuation or obtaining assistance for an injured skater.

We have the following shifts beginning the week of September 12 that have not been filled yet. 

  • Mondays – 7.00 – 7.45 am – biweekly (Sep 12Sep 26Oct 10 & Oct 24, 2016) (4 weeks)
  • Mondays – 6.45 – 7:45am – biweekly (Sep 19Oct 3Oct 17 & Oct 31, 2016) (4 weeks)
  • Tuesdays – 5.30 – 6.30 pm – Sept 13 – Oct 11, 2016 (5 weeks)
  • Thursdays – 6.00 – 6:45am  – Sep 15 – Oct 13, 2016 (5 weeks)
  • Thursdays – 6:45 – 7:45am – Sep 15 – Oct 13, 2016 (5 weeks)
  • Thursday – 3.30 – 4.30pm Sept 15 – Oct 13 2016 (5 weeks)

You will be able to view and sign up for volunteer opportunities by logging into our Online Registration system, navigate to “Registration” and click on the “Volunteer Sign Up” button in the left hand column.