RPFSC Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Monday, October 3, 2016

2016-17 RPFSC members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on:

MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2016 at 6:30 PM


You are invited to come early for dinner at 6:00 pm. Our meeting will begin at 6:30 pm with the following agenda.

  1. Reading of Notice of Meeting and Report of Quorum
  2. Reading of the 2015 AGM Minutes
  3. Board of Directors’ Reports: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Community Liaison, Coach’s, Test Chair, Volunteer Coordinator and Promotions Coordinator
  4. Election of Officers
  5. Other Business

Elections of Officers and Call for Nominations
At this year’s AGM, we will be electing/re-electing four (4) Board of Director positions for two year terms. They are:

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Members-at-Large (2)

We encourage our members to strongly consider running for the Board. Joining the Board is great opportunity to meet other members, learn about the club’s operations and share your skills and knowledge to create a great experience for our skaters and their families.

The time commitment for a Board Member averages of 4 to 6 hours a month (which includes a monthly business meeting). Typically Board members work on event planning, volunteer coordination, promotions, communications and other areas as time and interest permits.

Nominations for the above listed positions are now open. You are able to nominate a club member for election or re-election to the above positions. Email your nominations to [email protected] prior to the AGM. We will also take nominations from the floor at the meeting.

If you would like more information about the Board, Board positions or other ways to be involved with the club, we invite you to connect with any of our current Board Members (listed below) or contact the current Club President, Cathy Chang at [email protected]

Volunteer Credits
We value your time. By attending our AGM, you will be able to log three (3) volunteer credits towards your total required 12 credits for the Fall & Winter Session.

As we will be serving dinner, we appreciate that you please RSVP by emailing [email protected] so that we are able to order appropriate quantities. 


RPFSC Annual General Meeting – Monday, October 3

Our RPFSC Annual General Meeting will soon be upon us as we start our Fall Session.  Be sure to mark your calendar for the evening of Monday, October 3, 2016.

The AGM will be held in the Curling Club Boardroom at Hillcrest Centre.  A light dinner will be served at 7:00 pm and our meeting will start at 7:30 pm.

In preparation for this year’s board elections, a nominations committee has been set up, and this year’s nominations committee members include:

  • Kylie Goldsmith, Vice President
  • Eileen Cervi,  Past President

The call for nominations for Board positions, including Secretary and Treasurer, will be formally announced next week.

In the meantime,  if you are interested in finding out more about our AGM or becoming part of our Board, please email Cathy Chang, President at [email protected]


Winter Session Canskate Parent Meetings

To ensure that our Canskate families and skaters have a positive skating experience with us, we will be holding CanSkate Information Meetings this week for parents/guardians of our CanSkaters.

Our CanSkate Coordinator Carissa Wong will be reviewing safety and equipment, skater evaluation and answering any questions you may have about our program.

The meetings will take place in the lobby of the skating rink as scheduled:

Tuesday, January 26 at 4:00 pm
Thursday, January 28 at 5:00 pm

Note that the Parent meeting for Saturday Canskate was held on the weekend on January 23. If you missed it, please drop by our desk this coming Saturday to pick up the handout.

Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.


2015 RPFSC Annual General Meeting Update

Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual General Meeting on October 1st.   After a recap of a successful 2014/15, our Board Officers for 2015/16 were elected.  They are:
  • President – Cathy Chang
  • Vice President – Kylie Goldsmith
  • Treasurer – Veronica Xue
  • Secretary – Sarah Quon
Our Directors-at-Large are:  Eileen Cervi (Past President), Tomoko Mak (Test Chair), Dennis Bohme, Howard Lam, Marnie Candido and Prudence Nagin.  
For Anne Tynan and Lynore Mclean, their service on our Board has come to an end. Anne has served on the Board for ten years and helped establish our presence in Hillcrest Centre and has supported our club through our transition and growth. Lynore was the Club’s Test Chair since 2008 to 2014 and has seen the number of tests from approximately 45 in a year to over 120 in a single year and processing test papers for each skater’s test.  A special thank you to Anne and Lynore for their years of service and contributions to our club.

2015 RPFSC Annual General Meeting

Join us at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to learn more about your Skating Club, hear about the Club’s achievements in the past year, elect Board officers for the coming season and to vote on a new set of Club by-laws.

Thursday, October 1
6:00 pm – Dinner
(Please RSVP by emailing us at [email protected])
6:30 pm – Meeting Begins
New Club Bylaws
An electronic copy of the proposed bylaws is available for you to review prior to voting at the AGM.

Elections of Officers:
There will be 11 Board of Director Positions with one-year terms to be filled by Election or Re-Election at the AGM. Upon the approval of the new Club Bylaws, a few positions will become two-year terms.
  • President – from one to two year term
  • Past president
  • Vice president – from one to two year term
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Coaches Representative
  • 5 Board Members-at-Large, including position of Test Chair  (3 of the 5 Directors will become 2-year term upon approval of Club Blylaws).

You are able to nominate a club member for election or re-election for the above positions. Email your nominations to [email protected] prior to the AGM.  Nominations from the floor during the meeting will also be accepted.

Fall Session Canskate Parent Meetings

CanSkate Information Meetings will be held this coming week for parents/guardians of our CanSkaters. Our CanSkate Coordinator, Carissa Wong will be reviewing safety and equipment, skater evaluation and answer your questions.

The meeting will take place in the lobby of the skating rink as scheduled:
Tuesday, September 29 – 4:00 pm
Thursday, October 1 – 5:00 pm
Saturday, October 3 – 12:15 pm.