
Winter 2025: January 6, 2025- March 15, 2025

Registration is only available online with your RPFSC account. No Drop-ins will be permitted.

Mandatory for all Members to Participate:

The Return to Sport Guidelines from viaSport has been released allowing Figure Skating to resume to normal programs this Fall. Before you register, please be sure you check the Program Requirements and Registration Fees and our Registration Policies.

Effective September 13, people aged 19+ will need to show proof of vaccination to participate in the all RPFSC programs and events at Hillcrest Ice Rink. Participants under 19 years of age are exempt from having to show a proof of their vaccination status. For acceptable proof of vaccination and for all other information, please visit

It is recommended that you arrive early for your lesson in order to show proof of vaccination. You will only be required to show proof once on your first lesson date.


Not sure what to register for? 
You are able to arrange a time to come in for a skating assessment to determine which program is suitable for you before you register. There is a $20 non-refundable fee for assessments that is required to be paid prior to the scheduled assessment.  Once the assessment has been completed, we will credit the fee to your account so that you can apply towards registration fees.

Here is how you can schedule your assessment:

  1. Create an account at: and add your skater’s name as participant.
  2. Email the Club Registrar at [email protected] to schedule an appointment  from one of the following:
    • Tuesday 4:30 PM
    • Thursday 4:30 PM
    • Saturday 10:00 AM



Registration priority will be given to Riley Park Figure Skating Club members who are in good standing. After the initial priority registration period has ended, skater registrations are considered on a first come first serve basis until our classes are full.

Full payment of registration fees (and volunteer fee/deposit where applicable) must be included with all registrations in order for the registration to be processed. Skaters who have outstanding monies due to the Club must have paid their registration fees and outstanding monies prior to being permitted on the ice.

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Payment Fees 
RPFSC accepts Visa or MasterCard payments Canadian Funds through our Online Registration System.
A fee of $25.00 will be charged if the provided Visa or MasterCard is denied upon processing.

Missed Classes
If a skater misses his/her regular session for a particular day, s/he may not skate on another session in lieu.

All requests to withdraw from a program must be made in writing to [email protected]

  • Request to withdraw from a program with more than seven (7) calendar days before the scheduled start date will receive a refund for the program fees, less the non-refundable fees**
  • Request to withdraw from a program between six (6) calendar days before the program start date and the scheduled second class will receive a refund less the prorated amount for one lesson and non-refundable fees**
  • NO refunds/credits will be given after the scheduled second (2nd) class of a program except in the case of medical circumstances.

Skaters who miss a minimum of 14 calendar days due to illness may qualify for reimbursement in the form of a credit. A note from a doctor must be included along with the written request for reimbursement for review by the Board of Directors who consider medical credits on a case by case basis. If granted, the credit will be prorated from the date of medical documentation.

* Refunds apply only to the CanSkate program. Future, Rising, Junior and Senior Stars are only refundable one week prior to the beginning of the program start date.

** Non-refundable fees: $58.65 Skate Canada Membership and Safe Sport Fee and $15 RPFSC Administration Fee.

For support with your online registration go to our Instructions Page or email the Registrar.