At our Annual General Meeting held on Monday, October 16, the following individuals were elected for two year terms until the 2019 AGM:
- President Doris Yip
- *Vice President Vacant
- Board Member at Large Dennis Bohme
- Board Member at Large EJ Richard
- Board Member at Large Grace Yuen
They will join our Board Members who are in their positions until our 2018 AGM.
- Secretary Sarah Quon
- Treasurer Veronica Xue
- Board Member at Large Keith Nusgart
- *Board Member at Large Vacant
and the following two individuals who are in their positions until our 2019 AGM.
- Past President Cathy Chang
- Coaches Representative Marnie Walthers
*As per RPFSC Bylaws 6.21 – If a Director ceases to hold office, the Board may appoint a Member to as a replacement Director to take the place of such Director until the next annual general meeting.
The RPFSC Board will be meeting on November 22, 2017. Afterwards, we will announce the appointments to fill the vacancies of Vice President and Board Member at Large.
We also wish to extend our gratitude to Eileen Cervi, Kylie Goldsmith and Tomoko Mak who have left the Board. We appreciate their gift of talent and time for the work they contributed to the Board while managing their respective portfolios. While they are no longer on the Board, they will continue their work in in the following areas:
- Eileen Cervi – Ice Allocation
- Kylie Goldsmith – Volunteer Coordinator
- Tomoko Mak – Test Chair