8 RPFSC Skaters Invited to BC/YK Section Development Camp

We would like to congratulate eight of our skaters who have been invited by the BC/Yukon Section of Skate Canada to attend their Annual Development camp which will be held in Kelowna from March 25 -27.

Skaters from across BC and Yukon Territory who competed in the Category of Star 4 and up and achieved the camp target score at a competition during the 2015/16 competitive season are invited to attend this annual camp.

Skaters representing our club who will attend the camp are:

Star 4 – Madeline Chang, Renee Kim, Cindy Ly and Kiran Nagin

Star 5 –  Erika Mak and Charlotte Quon

Senior Bronze – Mikaila Meslo

Gold – Anna McLean

Have fun at camp girls!