As Carnival is fast approaching, we are seeking donations for our Carnival Raffle. The types of items we are requesting include gift cards, service, or merchandise. These may be oriented towards kids and adults. If you are not sure if an item/service would fit, please do not hesitate to ask.
Any RPFSC member who donates an item/service with a minimum value of $20 will be credited with 1 volunteer hour, either towards Carnival or the Winter Session to a maximum of 2 hours.
We are making a letter available here if you would like to use it when you approach businesses to solicit items/services. Again, any items with a $20 value that are donated by a business through your initiative will give you a 1 hour credit towards your Carnival or Winter volunteer hours (to a maximum of 2 hours).
All donations must be received by the RPFSC registration desk or exact description and value details sent to [email protected] by Saturday, March 5th to allow us sufficient time to obtain our Gaming License for our event.
Any questions by be directed to [email protected]