Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual General Meeting on October 1st. After a recap of a successful 2014/15, our Board Officers for 2015/16 were elected. They are:
- President – Cathy Chang
- Vice President – Kylie Goldsmith
- Treasurer – Veronica Xue
- Secretary – Sarah Quon
Our Directors-at-Large are: Eileen Cervi (Past President), Tomoko Mak (Test Chair), Dennis Bohme, Howard Lam, Marnie Candido and Prudence Nagin.
For Anne Tynan and Lynore Mclean, their service on our Board has come to an end. Anne has served on the Board for ten years and helped establish our presence in Hillcrest Centre and has supported our club through our transition and growth. Lynore was the Club’s Test Chair since 2008 to 2014 and has seen the number of tests from approximately 45 in a year to over 120 in a single year and processing test papers for each skater’s test. A special thank you to Anne and Lynore for their years of service and contributions to our club.